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STM statement on research data

Research data is crucial to advance science and research, and STM is fully committed to its sharing. To read our full position, click here.


STM 2020 Research Data Year

Regardless of the field of study, sharing data is one of the most fundamental aspects of maintaining the integrity of research. The availability of research data plays a vital role in ensuring reproducibility and the ongoing development of Open Science. There is an increasing need to ensure the availability, discoverability and re-usability of research data for all stakeholders working across scholarly communications.

Publishers are pivotal in offering solutions which meet this need, contributing to Open Science and boosting the sharing of research data. STM is starting an action plan to help publishers in this effort, having declared 2020 the 'STM Research Data Year'.

Our goals for 2020 are to:

  • SHARE: Increase the number of journals with data policies and articles with data Availability Statements (DAS)
  • LINK: Increase the number of journals that deposit the data links to the SCHOLIX framework
  • CITE: Increase the citations to datasets along the FORCE 11 data citation guidelines

Activities for 2020 will include:

  • Sharing best practises and creating collateral making it easy for publishers to accelerate research data implementations.
  • Organizing meetings (e.g. workshops, webinars), allowing publishers to exchange experiences, tips and lessons learned 
  • Working with individual publishers, including on-site visits supporting implementation efforts 

For more information on the STM Research Data Year, visit our dedicated website:

Recommended background reading:

Developing a research data policy framework for all journals and publishers, Hrynaszkiewicz, Iain; Simons, Natasha; Hussain, Azhar ; Goudie, Simon (2019):
Figshare: Preprint:

The citation advantage of linking publications to research data, G. Colavizza , I. Hrynaszkiewicz , I. Staden , K. Whitaker, B. McGillivray; The Alan Turing Institute, University of Amsterdam, Springer Nature, PLoS , Queen Mary University, University of Cambridge.
For Scholix:
For Crossref : data/
For Data Citation :
The Coalition for Publishing Data in the Earth and Space Sciences commitment statement